There are some dogs that come into our rescue program that require more love, attention and medical needs than others. They may have chronic health problems which might require an unusual amount of care and expense, they may be severely disabled, they may be elderly or have behavioral setbacks which cause them to not be able to adapt to new situations of adoptive families.
We feel that despite their special needs, whatever it may be, these dogs should live out the rest of their lives in a safe and loving home and to be cared for with the respect and dignity they deserve. It is for this reason that GCCSR has a Forever Foster Program. Special foster homes have opened their hearts and homes to these dogs. GCCSR continues to provide veterinary care for these dogs and the foster families provide the loving home in which they can live out the rest of their days.
In order for us to maintain the best quality of life for our Forever Fosters, we need additional funding in the form of donations. Rarely do the donations we receive through our Adoption fees cover the medical expenses we've accumulated for the care of rescued dogs, especially those with special behavioral or medical needs which we have deemed to be Forever Fosters. By contributing specifically to this Forever Foster Program, your financial gift will help us continue to save many more dogs, and to provide our Forever Fosters a well-deserved life of ease and contentment.
Thank you for supporting the GCCSR Forever Foster Program, your donation will truly make the difference in their world.