Bam Bam / Nadia / Dexter / Sandy / JR / Precious / Bentley / Lucky
Meikia / Barney / Izzy / Sam / Cody / Holly / Carly / Goldie / Sassy
Luke / Bucket / Dixie / Cooper/ Molly/ Noelle/ Coffee/ Bailey/ Jasper
Bobo/ Eleanor/ Kismet / Ethan / Daisy / Lexis / Cody 2 / Hailey / Hope
Click on a name to jump straight to their rememberance!
This is a place for us to reflect and remember those that touched our lives and moved on to the great rainbow bridge. If you would like to donate in memory of a loved one lost and share your story on here on our Remembrance page, please click the DONATE button below!
Please donate to The Peanut Fund to help us continue to provide care for our rescued dogs that develop respiratory issues.
Please donate to The Molly Fund to help us continue to provide care for our Senior rescued dogs that need long term medical care.
Excerpt from A Dog's Prayer
"..And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands." -Beth Norman Harris

We’ll never forget the day that our city pound put out a plea for help for “Baby Girl,” a 10+ year old blind beauty who had been surrendered by her owners. Adopted two years prior despite full disclosure of her medical issues, the family was moving and “couldn’t take her with them.” Frustrated by her turn of events, the shelter staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to find a place for her to go, claiming that her sweet nature and fighting spirit were second to none. They weren’t lying!
Sadly, Hailey crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 31st to be greeted by her buddy and GCCSR alum, Roscoe. Her foster mom says, “We will miss her stubborn ‘I’ll do it’ attitude and her spunkiness. Hailey was a forever foster, but she was our “Baby Girl”, and we loved her so much. We cannot thank Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue enough for letting us be her “fur”ever foster family and for Coffee Nation’s support of all her medical concerns. We love you, Hailey. Run free sweet girl!
With love from his Foster Mom
It’s been a long time since there hasn’t been an old cocker spaniel in the house. I’ve loved the breed since I was a little girl. Granted, I’m a baby boomer and cocker spaniels were the “it” dogs along with poodles back in the day. I never lost my love for them though, and after many years of not even having a dog, I found my way to Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue and fostered my first black cocker spaniel, Zoe, and quickly became a foster failure. GCCSR folks are such a supportive and caring group, I was happy to continue with many other fosters,including quite a few black cocker spaniels, which I seem to attract. Cody was mine and my husband’s last old man cocker spaniel. We had to say goodbye to him this summer. Let me tell you about him.
Cody was already an old man when we got him. Now I would assume that most rescues wouldn’t take on a senior dog with so many health issues, but GCCSR has such a strong and supportive village behind them, they just said, “yes.” His elderly owner had died and the wife couldn’t take him to her new living arrangement. He couldn’t hear, probably due to many past ear infections that had gone untreated, couldn’t see very well due to cataracts, had arthritis that limited his mobility, and a crazy out of place left patella that had his leg almost at an angle. He came with the usual cocker ear infections and skin issues, which Dr. Sloat quickly started treating. Cody seemed to know that he was in a safe place. He inherited a bed from Lexis, another forever foster, and MS sent him toys. He was content to have a nice, soft bed, be in the vicinity of the family, have two regular square meals a day, get groomed regularly, and take short walks.
He totally ignored my other dogs, and he would turn away from you if you came at him for some pets, but at the same time he would come find me if I went to another room when he was asleep, and he would almost always be waiting for me at the back gate when I got home. Seniors are easy keepers and Cody was a good example of that. His trademark was an ever swishing long, wispy black tail, which always seemed to be in content, medium speed mode. Because of GCCSR, Cody’s life actually got better the older he got. He started receiving regular chiropractic, laser, and acupuncture therapy along with supplements and medication to help with his arthritis. He had a successful patella correction surgery. He even had cataract surgery that helped him retain some of his vision. As a foster mom I can’t tell you how comforting it was to have the backing of the dedicated people that support GCCSR and the board which I depended on to make the best decisions for Cody. To all of you, I say “thank you” for helping make my old man, cocker spaniel Cody loved, content, and comfortable in his last years.
We miss you, Lexis!!
Lexis entered our program in November 27, 2013, an owner surrender to a shelter because she 'nipped at people who came near her or her owner.' Estimated to be 8-10 at that time, we had no idea she'd remain with us until her loving foster mom helped her cross the Rainbow Bridge on March 29, 2022. While she was relatively healthy for a cocker, over the years, Lexis would have the occasional ear infection and fought several bladder infections, which eventually led to early stage kidney failure. Knowing that with continuity of vet care and the appropriate diet/meds she could live for several years more, we named her a forever foster.
As with many seniors, she started to lose muscle mass and develop hind-end weakness over the past several months. She also began to lose her appetite, and when she went in for another follow-up, our vet not only confirmed end stage renal failure, but also found a large mass in her lung. We don't know if it was 'lung cancer' or if it originated elsewhere, but the prognosis couldn't have been worse, and the diagnosis answered a lot of questions about why things had taken the turn they did over the past couple of months.
Although her foster wasn't ready to say goodbye, she listened to Lexis when she said she was tired and ready to rest. A 'staple' of GCCSR since no one had expressed an interest in adopting her all these years, Lexis probably wins the prize for the dog who attended the most events, and things just won't be the same without her.
Daisy came to GCCSR as an owner surrender in Jan of 2021 in her sweet senior years. On top of chronic IBS, poor Daisy had been suffering for years from serious ear infections, and her ear canals were so hardened, it was difficult for meds to penetrate. After 6 months of trying different antibiotics, our vet suggested a bilateral ear dissection. While she recovered from the surgery like a champ, unfortunately, we continued to battle infections. Just when it seemed we'd finally turned the corner after a year in the program, Daisy collapsed suddenly at home one night. Her fosters rushed her to the vet, only to discover that she'd experienced gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), aka "bloat" or a twisted stomach. Given her other medical issues, she was not a candidate for surgery, and we tearfully helped her across The Rainbow Bridge.
Despite her medical issues, Daisy adjusted to her foster home so well, like she had been part of the family her whole life. At the senior age of 13-14 years old, she was very lively, spunky, and so much sass! She eventually got the nickname of 'Tappy.' She was notorious for 'dancing' during feeding time, letting her foster parents know loud and clear that she was excited, as she did little ballerina twirls and hopped in excitement!
The one very important message of Daisy's story is the plain and simple fact that seniors deserve a chance. Even at their old age, they have so much to give. Proof of this fact is Daisy. She is very missed in her foster home, and memories of her will always bring a smile to all who knew her. We'll see you again, little one.
This handsome boy, Ethan, came to GCCSR from a shelter in Louisiana in December 2014. Like many of the 'castaways' we receive, he arrived with a terrible, painful ear infection which made him very sensitive to activity around his head and ears. We moved him to a foster home in Houston, closer to vet specialists, and once he was stable medically, tried a couple of 'trial runs' for him at 2 potential adopters' homes. Things didn't work out there, and Ethan let us know he'd picked the forever home where he was comfortable. As a result, we returned him to his first foster in Louisiana. From Spring 2016 until Thanksgiving 2021, that's where he spent his days, happy, healthy and comfortable. Then, suddenly, he felt a little puny for a day or two, threw up a couple of times, and passed peacefully at home at the estimated age of 13 years old. We love you, buddy!
Found on the streets as a stray, Kismet came to GCCSR in September 2014 from a shelter in Waco, TX. The poor guy was in pretty rough shape ~ he had hip dysplasia, was heartworm positive, partially blind and had other medical issues that required lifelong medication. But boy was this guy worth saving!! He was the happiest and most loving dog you have ever met, and he loved both his dog and human brothers very much. After managing his cataracts for a few years, he became completely blind, but you would never have known it. He could find his foster mom wherever she was in the house and would always give her a little lick on the leg to let her know he was close by.
Throughout the years, Kismet encountered a few medical setbacks, but we were always amazed by his resilience. He was truly the embodiment of ‘each one is worth saving,’ and despite his medical issues, he lived out the rest of his life happy and loved. His forever foster family loved him very much and is so happy to have had the time they did with him. RIP sweet boy (6/19/2021).
Eleanor came in into GCCSR's program in Aug 2019. She was found as a stray in Alvin, Texas. After a quick clean up at the vet, Eleanor quickly settled into my home as a foster. I remember to this day for the first night, she seemed to sleep so soundly, all snuggled up in one of the dog beds. She was such an easy dog to have around the house. She was blind and deaf, but for the most part, managed well. She didn't ask for much, and no one could say no to her cute little scrunchy face! Her happy dance and song will be missed during feeding time! I always affectionately called her 'Ellie Belly.' Until we meet again my sweet girl.
Surrendered to the city pound by his family at the age of
16, Bobo, soon to be referred to as The King, spoke to a sweet family who had a
cocker, but had been fostering pugs. They couldn't bear to see him die alone in
a pound, but little did they know that he'd go on to live another 5
years!! Sadly, our sweet, grumpy old man who ruled the house passed away
on 7/18. His foster mom says: "I’ll miss being bossed around by him. He
was a loving and patient old guy, unless it was time to go to bed. I miss him
into the back of my legs with his cold nose, and his chauvinist ways of looking
for me in the kitchen or the bedroom. Bobo with his super model hair and his
super demanding ways. Miss you, King Bobo."

In Memory of Jasper
Jasper came to GGCSR on February 19, 2017. He was in terrible condition. Emaciated, heart worm positive, cherry eye and minimal teeth. He was always a quiet soul until left in a room alone where he howled until someone let him out. Mild mannered, sweet, and gentle, Jasper was unbothered by everything. We secretly called him Eeyore.
In the summer of 2018, after finding out my dad had cancer and having surgery to remove it, we find out Jasper had a polyp on his rectum that required surgery as well. He was in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks and he was able to come home to be with his Peepaw, where they could recover together. He was then a forever foster, as his care was immense and high maintenance. We did not mind, we loved him beyond that.
He starting declining in late fall early winter of 2019 and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 5th.
We will miss you, Jasper. Thank you for helping my father through the most traumatic time of his life. That means more to me than you will ever know. RIP, sweet boy.
Returned to GCCSR in March 2019 because his mom felt he wasn't able to handle a long distance move out of state, Bailey came into his foster family's home after they'd lost two cocker babies within a few months of each other. They credit him for healing their hearts with his sweet and gentle personality, and said it was beautiful to watch him with forever foster, Jasper, who will surely miss him too.
Bailey was medicated for occasional seizures, cushings, and couldn't shake a chronic ear infection which adversely impacted his quality of life. He underwent surgery to correct this in early December 2019, but then on 12/28, became suddenly ill and entered acute kidney failure of unknown origin. He didn't have the strength to fight it, so the foster family selflessly escorted him across the Rainbow Bridge. "We will always love you, Bailey Bear, and are so very sorry that we couldn't save you."

We were contacted in December 2011 about a 12 year old dog who was suffering from an infection his owner couldn’t seem to cure. Having exhausted all financial resources, they turned to us for help. Here is Coffee’s story:
It took 2 months to properly diagnose the problem and a series of two operations in April 2012 to correct a double ear ablation gone wrong, but Coffee healed quickly and completely and went on to teach and inspire a nation. They call themselves Coffee Nation, and always remember the lessons he taught about courage, forgiveness, tenacity, and BELIEVING.
Sadly, he was diagnosed with a tumor in his lung and secondary hypertrophic osteopathy in December 2018, and lost his battle on May 24, 2019, at the age of 19. While his loss is devastating to all of us, we know his "Donkey Spirit" will continue to live on and inspire Coffee Nation to keep helping his Rescue "brudders and sisters."
To Noelle, our little Christmas miracle….
We pulled you from BARC right before Christmas 2018 and called you our little Christmas miracle. There was not a soul who met you that did not love you. You had the sweetest little soul.
For the first time in your life you got to enjoy all the comforts of home that you so deserved, your favorite being breakfast in bed. You also enjoyed going from room to room trying out all the different beds and just hanging out (that was your mom's favorite). And although you were blind and a bit deaf, you were always able to show me the love.
You had many medical issues and you were a fighter. Sadly, the heartworms ended up getting the best of you in the end. If we could have only reached you sooner. It was my honor to be able to care & love you my sweet girl. You will be deeply missed & forever in my heart.
All my love, your foster mom

Cooper was originally found as a stray and surrendered to an animal shelter in TX. Luckily, GCCSR had a foster home available for this unbelievably sweet boy, who was soon part of the GCCSR family in March 2016. Having just lost her beloved Cocker Spaniel, Cooper’s new mom wasn’t even looking for a new Cocker, yet . . . or so she thought. She kept thinking about little cutie-pie, Cooper and his description of being a sweet, gentle, unassuming boy. Cooper’s mom-to-be kept checking the website to see if he had been spoken for. Well, finally, in July 2016, she went for it, and Cooper made the voyage to the Northeast to live in his forever home with his mom and two doggie sisters.
Cooper stole his new mom’s heart immediately with his loving, snuggly ways. This adoption was so much about, “Who rescued who?” -- a dog who needed someone to love him and a person who deeply missed her first dog and was feeling depressed and needed some TLC. Cooper brought so much love and joy to his new mom and to everybody who met him. There could not be a gentler, sweeter dog. Cooper passed in January 2019 of a cancerous tumor on his spleen, which was inoperable.
Forever in my heart, I love you so much Cooper, my little Koala Bear, and I miss you terribly. You will always be cherished. Until we meet again . . . Love, Mommy

Dixie came to GCCSR and her foster family in February of 2014. She came with a multitude of medical issues, including skin, ears, eyes and later her legs and feet. Because of the incessant medical care she required, Dixie became a forever foster in 2016.
To her foster family, it was a privilege to do the daily tasks for her. She was sweet, funny, spunky, and beautiful. Sadly, on September 29, 2018, Dixie woke up struggling to breathe and coughing intermittently. An immediate trip to our primary vet led to the surprising discovery that she was enveloped with cancer in her stomach and lungs, and the kindest thing to do at that point was escort her over the Rainbow Bridge. We will always love and adore you, sweet Dixie Doodle...our little Diva!
Bucket, the second of the original Three Amigos to cross the Rainbow Bridge, came to us from an Arlington, TX shelter in July when he was estimated at 8 years of age. As with many senior dogs entering the program, we provided him much needed and long overdue medical care, and through the years, he went on many adventures with Coffee and Lucky. Since 2015 when Lucky crossed over the bridge, he's been up to no good with Coffee and Finny. Sadly, Bucket needed an emergency splenectomy in May 2018, his blood pressure dropped during surgery, and they had difficulty stabilizing it after that. The next day, he went into cardiac arrest, and MS made the call to stop CPR and let him rest. Forever missed, and always loved... but reunited with Lucky-Man!!

Luke came to us in August of '16 from Alvin as a heartworm positive senior with eye and ear problems but was described as "a walking hug and a ray of sunshine" and he truly was. He loved us for a year and a half before cancer took him across the bridge in April 2018. Luke was quickly nicknamed "The Dude" for his coolness and laid back ways, but all that went aside around his stuffed animals. Red Guy and Santa were his constant companions, trailing stuffing through the house as he followed his three brothers and sisters around. Luke beat heartworms and his chronic ear infections, charming everyone at the vet offices along the way. He learned to climb stairs at the ripe old age of ten and was always first in line for his serving of homemade chicken stew. He remains one of the coolest dogs ever and is already missed by his family. RIP Dude.
Sweet and Beautiful
She came to us from Louisiana in late September 2017 with hopes of catching her cancer before it spread. 2 months later it metastasized to her lungs and she declined fast. She crossed over to The Bridge, December 1, 2017. She will always be loved and remembered by her foster family. Until we meet again, Sassy Girl...

In Memory Of Goldie
Goldie ~ Our ray of sunshine. She was picked up as stray with a softball-sized mammary tumor and somehow we knew she was terminal. That did not stop GCCSR and her fosters from fighting for her. She saw a oncologist and a holistic doctor and together we helped her gain weight and strength.
We had 2 glorious months with the amazing creature. She had all the belly rubs, cuddles and love she could want.
She was an unbelievably loving dog even after
all she had endured. We will never forget you, Goldie... you took pieces
of our hearts when you left us. We love you!

In memory of sweet Carly, who crossed the rainbow bridge in June 2017. This poor girl had a rough go at her life, but was loved immensely! Our third inductee into the Forever Foster Hall of Fame, Carly came into our program in January 2011, after having been picked up as a stray. In April of the same year, after jumping off her foster's bed, Carly found herself unable to walk, and had emergency back surgery at A&M. Two months later, she moved to a different foster home with two other GCCSR alumni, two kids of her very own, and a Foster Mom who works from home. There, she loved her life and lived out the rest of her days until, sadly, we discovered an aggressive, untreatable oral/nasal tumor which took her quickly after we discovered it. RIP, angel.
In Memory Of Sam
Sam crossed the rainbow bridge February 2016. He spent the last few years of his life with us giving us much joy and love. Sam was known for his signature sideways tongue kisses because of missing teeth on one side of his mouth. He was a very happy and energetic senior who gave us quite a few chases when he would sneak out the front door or wait for another dog to find him a hole under the fence. We had to make the hard decision to let him go when his health declined rapidly and he lost too much weight. He was diagnosed with cushings and had been dealing with severe congestive heart failure. He will always be in our hearts and we miss him greatly.
In Memory of Izzy
Izzy was a sweet and quiet teddy bear of dog. He came from Lake Charles as a stray into GCCSR. He chased everyone to the door when they would leave because he didn't want them to go. Izzy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on December 20, 2015. You will be missed Izzy Bo Bizzy

In Memory of Barney

Barney passed away 3 years ago at the age of 17, but sometimes the sadness of him gone seems like it was yesterday. I had him since he was 6 weeks old, and he truly showed me what unconditional love was. I am truly grateful for being in Barney's life, and there are so many happy memories of Barney. When he was a puppy I entered him in a Halloween costume contest. He was dressed as a baby (yes, I put a diaper on him) and as soon as we got to the party he pulled it off. Needless to say, he didn't win, but he definitely won my heart from the start. Barney was always a happy dog and full of life, but then in 2011 he started having numerous medical issues. I would have done anything in the world to save him and I desperately tried, but as they say, God needed him more. He is my little fur baby angel that will always have a special place in my heart.
~ Deborah Aggon, Houston, TX
Meikia was very special girl just as sweet Lucky was. She came to us as a foster and won our heart immediately. She was 7 when she left us due to 3 separate heart issues. Having her for only a year and a half was not enough. Like Lucky, there will never be another like her.
~ Linda Parker, Colorado
Lucky was the 4th dog to enter the GCCSR program in July 2010. Turned into Harris County Animal Shelter after his owners died and the children couldn't be bothered with him, he entered our program with a heartworm positive status and chronic bronchial disease. One of the most mischievous dogs we've ever had, he was returned 3 times to us, so he took up residence with Stephanie as a Forever Foster and blossomed into one of the sweetest, most loving dogs we had. Sadly, following two courageous bouts with pneumonia, his chronic bronchial disease got the best of him and took him across the bridge on 6/8/2015, just one day after Stephanie's birthday. He will forever be in our hearts and is the epitome of the kind of dog we seek to help through our Forever Foster program.
Click HERE to see Mama Stephanie's tribute to Lucky.
In Memory of Bentley

Bentley was a very spry, buff senior. He made his way to GCCSR via a shelter in Arlington 12/12. He had severe skin and ear issues. He soon came to live with his foster family and he became a 'forever foster' in November 2013. He was the sweetest, most gentle soul. Bentley crossed over the Rainbow Bridge May 2015 due to congestive heart failure. He will be missed immensely by his forever foster family. RIP Sir Bentley.
In Memory of Precious
Precious was surrendered to the New Orleans SPCA in March 2014 because the family could no longer afford to take care of her. She entered the GCCSR program in May 2014, had chronic cocker skin, eye and ear issues, and was heartworm positive. After all these things were addressed, sadly at Christmas-time in 2014, Precious was diagnosed with lymphoma, and we helped her across the Rainbow Bridge in February 2015 when her illness got the best of her. Special thanks to her foster home for showing her what it was like to be loved and cared for the way she should have been all along.

In Memory Of

In February 2013, after having raised the $3500 needed for his double ear ablation, we lost Fred suddenly as he waited at the vet for surgery. A necropsy indicated acute hemmorhaging in the lungs, and the cause was unknown. It is suspected he passed quickly and suddenly, without pain. Our hearts are broken that he didn't get to experience the pain free life that was in store for him, but are so grateful to all who were willing to help make his dreams come true.
In Memory Of
June Bug
June Bug crossed the Rainbow bridge in March of 2013 at the age of 10 after a hard fought battle with Cushings Disease. She was a quiet and sweet little lady who strolled through life with a kind and loving soul. She brought joy and love to the hearts of many in GCCSR and reminded us of the many joys senior dogs can bring to our lives. Buggers, as she was called, was a fighter and had a love that never ended….she will be missed by us all!
Genny crossed over the rainbow bridge in October 2013. We tried to save this beautiful little girl, that apparently was hit by a car and had major breaks, internal damage and could not walk. Unfortunately, short of a major miracle, we were not able to, without multiple major surgeries, to include plates, pins and hours of being under anesthesia. The prognosis was bleak at best. So, we had to make the hard decision to let her go to the 'Rainbow Bridge' and run free of pain and join all of those that passed before her.
Harris crossed the rainbow bridge in October 2013. One day he suddenly lost the ability to use his right side. After the neurologists at A&M performed their exam, they were certain that there was a lesion in his brain of some sort. The condition of his heart was worsening, and it would have been too dangerous to put him under for an MRI. No matter what we found in the brain, we couldn't have 'fixed it', so we decided it was best to let him go peacefully. His foster family brought him back home to Houston to say goodbye, and then took him to our primary vet late this afternoon. Another heartbreak in a short period of time... but as cliché as it sounds, we truly ARE grateful he knew the love and care he'd been previously lacking, for the 3 months we've had him. We watched him blossom into a feisty, loving little guy, we all loved his smile, and he's another prime example of all that GCCSR stands for.
In Memory Of

Bam Bam crossed the rainbow bridge in December 2013. Despite the fact we'd only raised a few hundred dollars, we scheduled Bam Bam for surgery because his breathing was becoming more labored by the day. Sadly, the vet called during his surgery and said that when she got in there, the situation was very grim and she saw the worst case of lung cancer she'd ever seen. This wasn't evident on the radiographs, or via the biopsy, but she said there was ZERO normal lung tissues on the right side, and it had begun to travel up to the heart. She said it would be inhumane to close him up and ask him to 'recover', as he'd not have any quality of life... so we were forced to say goodbye. We are heartbroken to have lost another life so soon... this trend needs to stop... but we SO appreciate all of you who make our work possible.
Thank you for believing in us... and believing that he was worth the chance.
Nadia was a beautiful, black cocker spaniel born around May 2012. Her life was a little rough until she found her way out of an animal cruelty investigation and into the arms of a loving GCCSR foster home. She was only 9.5 lbs. when she was first saved by GCCSR, but she gradually gained weight and started to blossom. She struggled with an upper respiratory infection at the beginning, and we had planned surgical intervention on her double luxating patellas on the rear legs. However, pre-anesthetic labwork and exams uncovered a hole in her heart that allowed the mixing of oxygenated blood with unoxygenated blood. The only fix was open heart surgery, and worse than that, because of the severity of her issues, she had less than a 20% chance of survival. She was a young dog with a lot of spunk, but her heart just wouldn't keep up. Her loving foster mom kept her comfortable and happy until Nadia told her that it was time to let go. In April 2014 Nadia crossed the rainbow bridge. We are grateful for the time she had with us, and thankful in the end that is was time spent being loved and taken care of to the fullest extent.
In Memory Of
In Memory Of
Dexter was a sweet, old buff boy who came to us in September 2012 from a shelter in Ft. Worth. He had one health problem after another, including a pretty serious bout with demodex mange. He had glaucoma which led to multiple injections to relieve the pressure, and was mostly blind. His ears were more problematic than most, requiring constant attention, and his joints are old and achy, requiring several daily supplements. Dexter did well in his foster home with a seasoned 'rescue person', but was stressed by adoption events and never got any attention due to his age and health issues. As such, we'd inducted him to our Forever Foster program. Sadly, old age got the best of him and we ended up having to help him cross over to the Rainbow Bridge on 11/29/2014. We are grateful to our fans and followers who enable us to care for dogs like Dexter who sadly find themselves in a shelter after a lifetime of love given to a 'family'. He was such a sweetheart, and loved by many.

JR was adopted in 2012 after 7 months with Terry and a stay at Meadowlake for the New Leash on Life training program. He was a behavioral 'case' that we weren't sure we could ever find a home for, although he did have a faithful Facebook following with the antics Terry posted. When Linda (JR's forever mom) met him, she instantly loved him for who he was and committed to whatever guidance and discipline he may need to keep him in line. She'd had a 'snarky' cocker before, and our only fear was that she didn't take him as seriously as she should.
Over the past few years, she and JR worked diligently together in her quilting room to provide many "cuddlers" for GCCSR, raising a large amount of money for JR's rescue brothers and sisters in need. Linda helped transform JR into a different dog through her unconditional love, guidance and patience, and for that we are forever grateful. JR will be missed, but he certainly left his mark on our rescue family